
53 Game Reviews

14 w/ Responses

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I am actually surprised at how good this looks. Overall good promise for a scratch game and I would like it to become something.
Once we get the full thing and I am able to shoot at something other than a guy just standing there, I'll give this a pretty good review.

jsketo2010 responds:

Tysm! I am just a really young kid and this is my second day on new grounds so this comment really means a lot to me!!! :D

I mean... It's a decent game. The artstyle or the gameplay don't have much to offer and after all, it's still a game made in Scratch.
Kept me entertained for a while so I guess I should give it that!

Balloonshroom responds:

Thanks for the feedback. I might update the game later to add more stuff.

Really love this. I think I might have grown an addiction to this.

Entertaining game. It is a very simple one and while there isn't much to do other than fish, the "progression" we get from shopping items makes you wanna stay for a bit longer. The mythical fish is also a very nice touch.
It could use more animations and less wonky hitboxes, as well as making the screen a lot less big.

It sure isn't a game but it has a very nice aesthetic to it. It's a very attractive gallery and the pictures you managed to take are very interesting in their own manner.
You could try making a story with this sort of content!

It works, somehow. Spam-y as always but it managed to entertain me for a minute or so. You are doing great.

This has been the most fun I had with a Newgrounds game for a very long time. The music and visuals are simply beautiful and the gameplay is amazing. This is heavily underrated and I wish to see more like this.

Fun-fact: If you play the game on hard difficulty, Orphan will apear with a cigarette.

RatThing responds:

Thanks for the kind words! Awesome that someone noticed the cigarette thing

What a beautiful story. Truly life changing.

Currently, the game is just a blue screen. I can't review it if I can't play it.

Edit: The game now seems to work. It's... Very empty. You can move around a little but even if you couldn't move, it wouldn't make much of a difference.
It's an interesting concept and I think you could do much more if you put more effort into this.

21 year old artist and been longer in Newgrounds than this account suggests.
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Age 22, Male


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