
14 Game Reviews w/ Response

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This absolutely slaps, damn!

WiredDreamsStudio responds:

Thanks! See you on the launch day!

It's a bit confusing at first but once you get the hang of it it can be entertaining.
Note for anyone who plays this: To attack enemies you must move your character into them.

arturnista responds:

Glad you liked :D
And thanks for the feedback, I'll try to improve the tutorial to teach how to attack

A story that changed my life.
Sadly, the game appears softlock when you are supposed to write the question for Stickman Chan.

Taka responds:

You need to write something specific to continue.

Oi! Vejo que seu jogo está em português, no momento estou falando através do tradutor do google.
Seria bom se você colocasse seu jogo em inglês para que mais pessoas se divertissem. É um bom conceito e acho que você poderia fazer um pouco mais com isso!

RafaelOkabe responds:

Thanl you for the reply! I will change to english. It might take some time.

Interesting game with interesting mechanics. An overall good game that I hope doesn't get blammed. Seeing a more polished version would be great too!

siddikinz responds:

Thank you so much!
(Fingers crossed that this doesn't get blammed!)

This is absolutely mind blowing for a short and simple game.
I love this so much.

larrynachos responds:

Thank you! I'm so glad you like it!

A surprisingly well done game worth of a feature in the portal! It might appear confusing but it is actually easy, calm and deserves a lot of attention. Nice job!

MarzisfromMars responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed it, thank you for the kind words :)

I am actually surprised at how good this looks. Overall good promise for a scratch game and I would like it to become something.
Once we get the full thing and I am able to shoot at something other than a guy just standing there, I'll give this a pretty good review.

jsketo2010 responds:

Tysm! I am just a really young kid and this is my second day on new grounds so this comment really means a lot to me!!! :D

I mean... It's a decent game. The artstyle or the gameplay don't have much to offer and after all, it's still a game made in Scratch.
Kept me entertained for a while so I guess I should give it that!

Balloonshroom responds:

Thanks for the feedback. I might update the game later to add more stuff.

This has been the most fun I had with a Newgrounds game for a very long time. The music and visuals are simply beautiful and the gameplay is amazing. This is heavily underrated and I wish to see more like this.

Fun-fact: If you play the game on hard difficulty, Orphan will apear with a cigarette.

RatThing responds:

Thanks for the kind words! Awesome that someone noticed the cigarette thing

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