
49 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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This looks really good! I'm glad to see such a fresh and interesting project being worked on!
The animation could use some shading but that's not much of a big deal, considering how hard it is to put actual shading in animations.
I hope to see the release of this!

ChatonStudios responds:

thank you so much! be sure to stay tuned! cause this project will 100% be completed i can guarantee you that my good sir !!!

It's simple yet good. It doesn't have any fancy movement but that's totally ok!
It really feels like your average Madness Combat cartoon and I would like to see something like this but longer.

AppleJellis responds:

Thanks, i'm working on improving the length of my cartoons and I will definitely keep that in mind for the next one

You have a good artstyle and I like how the characters looks. Nice job and welcome to Newgrounds!

violet-radd responds:

thanks! :D

What a lovely loop. I can't say much other than "Good job!"

Guillotoon responds:

thankyou! ANY feedback is appreciated!

This is pretty good! I think the only thing that is missing is some wacky sound effects but otherwise, it is pretty interesting!

itsmebean responds:

thank you, the video is still in very early development, I need to add the sound effects, music, and more animation to go along with the story, I put links to the full story if you'd like to watch (I don't recommend it, they are terrible), but thank you for the lovely feedback :))

Congrats on getting this much attention on your first animation here. I would usually give this 4 stars but the fact you decided to include a voice actress makes it 5 stars.

Plucknix responds:

Thank you! Although I've uploaded quite a few animations here haha; this is just the first one that's voiced :)

I loved everything about it.

fart-creator responds:

aww thank you i worked very hard on it

Hey! This is actually pretty good! While the voice acting is not great, it isn't annoying in the slightest. Stop motion isn't easy in the slightest and I can tell a lot of time went into this. You deserve way more attention for this.
Happy Madness Day!
Edit: I forgot to add, maybe cut the story telling? I think that would certainly make these more entertaining, since Madness Combat is mostly known for straight-out violence.

NoobClock666 responds:

Thanks guy.
but I know that some fans hate story, so that's why I put in the description, you can SKIP the story crap to -9:50

How come this is only three stars? It clearly deserves much more!

midgetsausage responds:

awwww thanks man

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