
185 Movie Reviews

49 w/ Responses

7 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

From the moment I saw the grunt in his deathbed I snorted. This is so dumb and Iove it.
Happy Madness Day!

The animation is a little choppy but that just adds a lot of charm to it.
Happy Madness Day!

Now that's an interesting take on the average Madness Combat animation! I really dig your art style in this sort of animation. I see you went for a turn-based like game.
The ending also got me good.

Have a magnificent Madness Day!

jOnline responds:

I'm glad you liked it! I hope you have a great day aswell!

Most people would rate this lower but I choose not to. While the animation is... Eh. It doesn't have the problem a lot of animations have: Being completely slow.
There was only one slow moment but it doesn't make the entire thing bad. Here's a 3 star rating and a wish for a very amazing Madness Day!

silverflame2019 responds:

Thanks! Happy Madness Day!

The animation is generally slow but hey, at least there's violence and an interesting use of sprites. I wish you a Happy Madness Day!

Black screens: The movie.
Good animation and good sprites! I don't get the point of the overly long black screens, though.
Happy Madness Day!

kokkare responds:

probably because you enjoy marvel movies

Nice reference to MC 4 at the start and good job on the overall animation. Happy Madness Day!
I think my favorite thing about this is the fact the protagonist actually dodges the bullets, instead of having the agents completely miss every shot.

Spavit responds:

Thanks for the review!
I actually was quite worried about all these references, as there are a lot of them. Funny, I didn't even plan to make any of these. References were writing themselves as I was animating.
Also I am glad that you viewers appreciate my work on planning battle scenes.

We need more Alloy in our lives, Mindchamber! Please make it happen!

21 year old artist and been longer in Newgrounds than this account suggests.
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Age 22, Male


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