
185 Movie Reviews

49 w/ Responses

7 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

It's a short, interesting animation. It certainly made me smile and I believe it could have been better with some color and proper backgrounds. You have a good artstyle and I think you could make something better.
Welcome to Newgrounds!

Not bad for a first post. The animation is decent but considerably better than most beginner animations, I'll give you that. All I have to say is: try using music and making the characters move more. Good work.

TheRealPuzzlecube responds:

this is the first animation I have that I actually finished. before this the longest animation I made was 14 seconds long (exactly 420 frames) and before that they were all under 6 seconds. Also most of them are at 15 FPS

It's always good to see one of the most bizzarre creators releasing another weird yet beautiful masterpiece.
I am disgusted, terrified and... Interested.

¿Qué se mete, vieja con--?
Adoro 31 Minutos y esto tiene buena animación. Me gustaría ver más.

Now this is a beautiful loop.

Nice handstand and nice animation. I would rate higher if the character did something else, though!

I must say, this is quite accurate to what Twitter has become. Weird.

Nicely done. I really like the sound effects you used for this!

This looks really good! I'm glad to see such a fresh and interesting project being worked on!
The animation could use some shading but that's not much of a big deal, considering how hard it is to put actual shading in animations.
I hope to see the release of this!

ChatonStudios responds:

thank you so much! be sure to stay tuned! cause this project will 100% be completed i can guarantee you that my good sir !!!

Not bad. I found myself intrigued. I like these sorts of videos.
Unfortunately, I can tell this was done in SFM with the use of already existing models. Why is that bad? It's bad because SFM movies are not allowed in Newgrounds unless you made the models by yourself.

It's a decent work but I think publishing it in Youtube would be a better idea.

21 year old artist and been longer in Newgrounds than this account suggests.
Remember to support your fellow artists!
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My teeth are sharper than my tongue.

Age 22, Male


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