
185 Movie Reviews

49 w/ Responses

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Sadly , the audio has been overused to death by many people, making the punchline less funnier. It's funny the first few times but at this point, it's not that great.
However, I find your artstyle charming. You can do something better, you have the potential.

I was NOT expecting that. It certainly made me laugh. Maybe try coloring it and giving it some sort of simple background next time?

It's simple yet good. It doesn't have any fancy movement but that's totally ok!
It really feels like your average Madness Combat cartoon and I would like to see something like this but longer.

AppleJellis responds:

Thanks, i'm working on improving the length of my cartoons and I will definitely keep that in mind for the next one

You have a good artstyle and I like how the characters looks. Nice job and welcome to Newgrounds!

violet-radd responds:

thanks! :D

What a lovely loop. I can't say much other than "Good job!"

Guillotoon responds:

thankyou! ANY feedback is appreciated!

A parody full of dark, bitter humor? The entire thing got me going "Oh no. OH NO." but it also gave a few chuckles. This is something that truly belongs in Newgrounds.

This is pretty good! I think the only thing that is missing is some wacky sound effects but otherwise, it is pretty interesting!

itsmebean responds:

thank you, the video is still in very early development, I need to add the sound effects, music, and more animation to go along with the story, I put links to the full story if you'd like to watch (I don't recommend it, they are terrible), but thank you for the lovely feedback :))

I'm having a deja-vu here... I am not sure what it is, it's creeping me out and I'm certain i've seen something like this before. Does that stop me from enjoying it? Absolutely not.

It's decently good and I was actually surprised at the amount of effort that was put into this. Please, keep it up!

I love the designs, the visuals and everything about it.

21 year old artist and been longer in Newgrounds than this account suggests.
Remember to support your fellow artists!
If you don't...
My teeth are sharper than my tongue.

Age 22, Male


Joined on 11/28/19

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